Carolina Reaper Pepper

Carolina Reaper Sauces - Available at The Hot Sauce MallAre you ready to get serious about fire? Forget the Ghost. Forget the Trinidad Scorpion. The Carolina Reaper has been certified as the world’s hottest chili pepper by the Guinness World Records since August 7, 2013. The official Guinness World Record heat level was 1,569,300 Scoville Heat Units (SHU) in 2013. The figure is an average for the tested batch; the hottest individual pepper was measured at 2.2 million SHU.

At we offer a nice selection of Carolina Reaper Hot Sauces that will take you from heaven to the depths of hell! Feel the burn with Reaper Sling Blade Hot SauceKentucky Straight Bourbon Reaper Sauce and Whoop Ass Carolina Reaper Hot Sauce. We also offer Carolina Reaper powder, Gourmet & Authentic Carolina Reaper Powder, Carolina Reaper puree, The Reaper Puree and other fine Carolina Reaper products at So if you’re one of those chileheads who claims there’s nothing hot enough, shop Carolina Reaper hot sauce at today.

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